
President's Message

Dear Members,

Thank you for taking the time to complete the bargaining survey. Your input is invaluable as we prepare for negotiations, ensuring our priorities reflect the needs of our members. We also appreciate those who have RSVP’d for our upcoming union membership meeting on March 13—your engagement strengthens our collective voice.

As a reminder, if you are called into a meeting or placed on an improvement plan, please contact Donis Coronel immediately for support. You are not alone—we are here to advocate for you.

In solidarity,
Dianne Huslin


The AASU Bargaining Team met on February 20 to begin our work on preparing for bargaining. The team reviewed the survey input from our AASU members. 60% of our AASU members responded to the survey. 78% of the respondents were Assistant Principals and 22% of the respondents were Principals. The results of the survey are linked below this communication. Team members will continue to review the survey input, study collective bargaining agreements from San Diego, Chula Vista and SEA as we work to craft our initial proposal for bargaining. The team will be meeting again on March 10. The process is that AASU will create our initial proposal for bargaining which will be sent to the District and then placed on a Board of Education agenda to be “sunshined.” The District will then place their initial proposal on a Board agenda to be “sunshined.”   The definition of “sunshining a bargaining proposal is the act of making a proposal public for comment before negotiations begin. It's a way to involve the public in the negotiating process. After the sunshine process is complete, then bargaining can begin. Since we are starting from scratch on a brand new collective bargaining agreement, this process will take time. After each bargaining session, a synopsis will be sent to the AASU membership via e-mail. AASU believes in being transparent and will share proposals with our members. Please understand that a proposal is just that – a proposal. It is not a done deal or a tentative agreement. Once AASU and the District reach tentative agreements on all articles of the contract then the entire contract will be presented to the AASU membership for ratification. Presuming the contract is ratified by the AASU membership, it will then go to the SUHSD Board of Education for approval. Once approved, we all celebrate!!!! Thank you to the AASU Bargaining Team: Donis Coronel, Chief Negotiator; Sasha Scott, Bargaining Chair; Jennifer Barker-Heinz; Mabelle Glithero; Teresa Kramer and Manny Tapia.

Survey Graph

Survery Data

MARCH MEMBERSHIP MEETING AND HAPPY HOUR – DEADLINE EXTENDED TO RSVP TO MARCH 8 – SIGN UP NOW. Please join your colleagues for an informative membership meeting and fun happy hour! RSVP is required by March 8. There will be heavy appetizers, door prizes, 50/50 drawing to support our scholarship fund and the first beverage is on us!

March 13, 2025‼️ 4:00-7:00 p.m. (Membership meeting starts at 4:15pm; Happy Hour and Appetizers/Beverages at 4:45 p.m. Arrive by 4:15 p.m. and get an early bird extra door prize ticket!

Farmers Table/Acqua e Farina Trattoria Romana, 330 F. St.

Happy Hour Sign-Up


The AASU Scholarship Committee is pleased to announce that children and stepchildren of AASU Members in Good Standing, who are graduating seniors this year, are eligible for an AASU scholarship to be used towards higher education.  The AASU Scholarship Program is funded by proceeds from the 50/50 drawings at our social events/membership meetings and member dues.   All students who apply and are qualified will receive a $500 scholarship.  The application submission deadline is March 18, 2025.‼️

Please click the link below for information on how to apply and for the application.  

NOTE: Please mail the application and required essay to the UASC/AASU office via U.S. mail (3505 Camino del Rio So. Ste 264, SD 92108) or scan and e-mail it to by the deadline.

AFSA SCHOLARSHIPS FOR CHILDREN OF AASU MEMBERS ATTENDING COLLEGE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 2025. The AFSA Diann Woodard Scholarship is available exclusively to children of AFSA members in good standing (of which all AASU members are). The AFSA General Executive Board will select five (5) recipients each year based on academic excellence, passion for volunteerism, and display of exceptional work ethic. An applicant must be a graduating high school senior who will be attending college for the first time in 2025.  The application deadline is March 28, 2025. To apply:    AASU is AFSA Local 150.


SAVE THE DATE – MARK YOUR CALENDAR NOW! ‼️ More information will be forthcoming but mark your calendar now!

June 11, 2025 from 4:00-7:00p.m. AASU End of the School Year Celebration, Location TBD