
Dina couldn’t have imagined becoming an award-winning school principal. Instead, she dreamed of becoming a teacher of young children.
Our association remains steadfast in our belief that public education and our nation’s educator workforce must be strengthened with the support of adequate funding.

Recent News

As we celebrate Women's History Month, we honor the groundbreaking achievements of women like Phebe Sudlow, whose contributions to public education continue to resonate today.

The WEP and GPO provisions had unfairly reduced or eliminated Social Security benefits for educators, firefighters, police and other public employees.

AFSA’s 17th Triennial Convention will officially kick off July 24.

AFSA members have responded to the union’s call to action by sending more letters to their senators and representatives in one week than ever before.

AFSA has officially launched the School Leader Contract Library, a groundbreaking resource designed to support local union leaders in contract negotiations.

It never occurred to Dale that not a single one of them was Black in a community school where all the students were Black.
School leadership wasn’t in my plans. I loved teaching and never would have guessed I’d become an administrator.