The final day of convention began with greetings from our sponsor, Napolean Andrews from Assured Retirement Strategies. During the Labor Panel, speakers discussed the future of organized labor and engaging membership. Attendees participated in workshops covering topics in school safety, building a PAC, student literacy, women in labor, Janus v. AFSCME, and retirement. The day followed with the installation of AFSA's new officers. Actor and activist, Danny Glover also joined us for an influential discussion on equality in educational opportunity.
Workshop Highlights:
Resolutions Passed:
#1 Grow Your Own Administrators Programs and Our Profession
#2 Develop a Public Charter School Administrative Recruitment Program
#3 Opposing Privatization of Puerto Rico's Public Schools
#5 School Leader Specific Professional Development
#8 Continuing National Administrative Partnerships for Educational Action
#10 Empowering Greater School Safety
#11 Empowering Membership Engagement
#12 I AM 2018
#13 Support for High Quality Public Education
#14 Committing to Retirement Security for All
#15 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals and DREAMers
#16 March for Our Lives
2018 Newly Elected General Executive Board:
Ernest Logan, President
Len Pugliese, Executive Vice President
Lauran Cherry, Secretary/Treasurer
General Vice Presidents:
Crystal Boling-Barton, James Dierke, Cynthia Warren, Sandra Inga, Carver Farrow, Wendi Caporicci, Mark Cannizzaro, Dominic Sacchetti, Dwayne Jones, Gary Maynard, Jimmy Gittings, Jane Wermuth, Luis Orengo
Video Greetings:
Senator Ed Markey
We Hope You Enjoyed Our Exhibitors!
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