Whereas, The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) and the Mine Safety and Health Act (MSHA) promise workers the right to a safe job; and
Whereas, unions and our allies have fought hard to make this promise a reality, winning protections that have made occupations safer, saving hundreds of thousands of lives, and preventing millions of workplace injuries and illnesses; and
Whereas, there still remain too many dangerous job hazards that are unregulated and uncontrolled, putting workers in serious danger; and
Whereas, workplace injuries, illnesses and deaths cost approximately $250 billion a year; and
Whereas, in 2011 the Republican majority in the House of Representatives launched an all-out assault on government regulations seeking to block individual rules through the budget process, and attempting to prohibit OSHA, MSHA and other agencies from moving forward on needed protections; and
Whereas, all American workers need and deserve a safe place of employment and protection from injuries, disease and death
Therefore be it resolved, that the American Federation of School Administrators (AFSA) will stand with the AFL-CIO to see that important worker safeguards are issued and observed; and
Be it further resolved, that AFSA will fight attempts to block these measures though budget riders or other legislative measures