Karl E. Perry is a devout Christian, loving husband, and proud father of four brilliant children. Proud alumni of West Virginia University and Coppin State University, he has dedicated his life to the advancement of the staff, students and families of Baltimore City Public Schools.
During his tenure, he has “worked up the ranks” and served in many capacities. Mr. Perry has diligently served in education for the past 29 years, 24 of those years as an administrator, and 22 years as member and officer of PSASA. Mr. Perry has a wide variety of leadership experiences in Baltimore City Public Schools and the School District of Philadelphia. His philosophy is to view all his students as his own children. In 2015, Mr. Perry served as a Senior Cabinet member overseeing School Climate, Attendance/Suspension, Athletics, School Police and the Ombudsman.
He has spent the past four years serving as PSASA Vice-President, working on the Contract Negotiations Team, Joint Oversight Committee, and operating as a staunch advocate for equity and fair treatment of all administrators. His accomplishments include former MSDE Service-Learning Principal of the Year, former MetLife Foundation Ambassador in Education award recipient sponsored by The National Civic League Foundation and former Teacher of the Year.
His plan as President, is to restore respect to PSASA with three overarching principles: Transparency, Unity and Trust #TUT.